Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu

Academic Units

Academic Units

Basic Language Education Unit

The Basic Language Education Unit provides education for mandatory foreign language (English) education in our university’s faculties, colleges, and vocational schools, as required by the decision of the Higher Education Council (YÖK). The Mandatory Foreign Language Course is offered for two semesters (fall and spring) with 2 hours per week (ECTS) and is taught at the A1 and A2 levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

In addition to the mandatory foreign language course, this unit also offers department-specific language programs (German, French, Arabic) as professional courses, providing education at various language proficiency levels.

Unit Exams

Exemption Exam: Administered at the beginning of the academic year, this comprehensive exam covers both semesters and assesses students’ foreign language proficiency regarding predetermined standards.

Midterms: Conducted once per term, following the dates formerly stipulated in the academic calendar, these exams evaluate students’ grasp of the language teaching program. Midterms account for 40% of the overall passing grade.

Finals: Held at the end of each term, these exams comprehensively evaluate students’ knowledge of the main curriculum. Finals contribute to 60% of the overall passing grade.

Make-up Exam: Students who did not meet the course requirements have the opportunity to take the make-up exams as per the academic calendar. These exams are equivalent to finals and offer a chance to a second chance to succeed in the course.

English Language Preparatory Program  

The General English Preparatory Program (GEPP) is an intensive language program that encompasses A1-A2 and B1-B2 proficiency levels within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This unit offers education for students enrolled in programs with 100% and 30% English as the medium of instruction.

The program is divided into two main courses: Basic Language Education and Language Skills. The Basic Language Education course aims to develop language proficiency with a focus on skills. This course integrates and teaches all skills (speaking, listening, writing, and reading). The Language Skills courses are designed to enhance students’ reading and writing abilities. This unit aims to equip students in English-medium departments with essential general English skills to pursue academic studies effectively.

Students who do not pass the English Proficiency Exam must take the Placement Exam at the beginning of the academic year to determine their placement. Based on the results of this exam, they will begin their studies from A1 or A2 courses and complete the program at B1 or B2 level. Students are subject to an intensive 20-hour program per week throughout the academic year.

For mandatory preparatory students, successful completion of the preparatory program within two academic years (four terms) is required. Students who fail to meet the exemption criteria within this period will have their registration cancelled. Alternative options for such students are specified in the Q&A section.

The following departments have mandatory preparatory education within this program:

  • Faculty of Sciences, Biology (Daytime Education) 
  • Faculty of Sciences, Molecular Biology and Genetics (Daytime Education) 
  • Faculty of Engineering, Environmental Engineering (Daytime Education) 
  • Faculty of Political Sciences, International Relations (Daytime Education) 
  • Faculty of Political Sciences, Business Administration (Daytime Education) 
  • Faculty of Political Sciences, Business Administration (Evening Education) 
  • Faculty of Political Sciences, Economics (Daytime Education) 
  • Faculty of Political Sciences, Economics (Evening Education) 
  • School of Graduate Studies, Biomolecular Sciences (Daytime Education) 
  • Graduate School of Education Turkey Studies (Daytime Education) 
  • Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, International Relations (Daytime Education) 
  • Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, International Relations (Daytime Education Evening Education)

*Optional Preparatory Program

GEPP also offers an optional preparatory education program. Students who have registered for the first year of faculties/schools can opt for the Optional Preparatory Program within the determined quota. Application deadlines and conditions for optional preparatory classes are announced to students along with the new student registration program. Applications are made during the enrollment process.

The preparatory period for optional preparatory area students is one (1) academic year (September-June) and cannot be extended. They start their undergraduate education if they fail to pass at the end of one academic year. They are not required to take the English Proficiency Exam applied at the beginning of the academic year at our School of Foreign Languages, which is only for mandatory preparatory students.

Students enrolled in the optional preparatory class have the same responsibilities as students in the mandatory preparatory class. To be considered successful, they must meet the same requirements.

  • Students enrolled in the optional preparatory class may face consequences such as the termination of their scholarships if they fail to succeed at the end of their enrolled academic year. 
  • All students enrolled in the Optional Preparatory Program must take the proficiency exam conducted at the beginning of the academic year. Students who do not take the exam, whether they have an excuse or not, have to begin their education at the lowest level.


*The passing grade for the Optional Preparatory Program is 60.


The departments included in this program are as follows: 

  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Archaeology 
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences History (Daytime Education) 
  • History (Evening Education) 
  • Faculty of Political Sciences, Political Science and Public Administration 
  • Faculty of Communication, Radio, Television, and Cinema 
  • Faculty of Engineering, Computer Engineering (Daytime Education)
  • Faculty of Engineering, Biomolecular Engineering (Daytime Education) 
  • Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering (Daytime Education) 
  • Gökçeada Vocational School, Foreign Trade (Daytime Education) 
  • Gökçeada Vocational School, Public Relations and Promotion (Daytime Education) 
  • Gökçeada Vocational School, Business Administration (Daytime Education) 
  • Gökçeada Vocational School, Tourism and Hotel Management (Daytime Education) 
  • Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations (Daytime Education) 
  • Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations (Evening Education) 
  • Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Econometrics (Daytime Education) 
  • Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Econometrics (Evening Education) 
  • Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics (Daytime Education) 
  • Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics (Evening Education) 
  • Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Public Administration (Daytime Education) 
  • Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Public Administration (Evening Education) 

CEFR Equivalencies

Students who successfully complete GEPP will be assigned CEFR equivalencies based on the following criteria:

Achievement Score Equivalent in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:

  • 60-69 Points B1+
  • 70-79 Points B1
  • 80 Points and Above B2

GEPP Irregular Classes (Starting from A2) Achievement Score Equivalent in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:

  • 60-69 Points B1+
  • 70 Points and Above B2

*The passing grade for GEPP is 70 for students studying in programs with 100% English instruction and 60 for other students.