The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle management system is consistently implemented in the management of the quality assurance system in education, research, administrative, and societal contribution processes within our university as a whole and our School of Foreign Languages. Accordingly, activities and internal audits are planned. An annual activity report is prepared, and internal audits are conducted at least once a year.
As envisaged in the "Internal Audit Procedure," the applied KIDR (quality assurance, education, research, administrative) processes have clearly identified areas where the institution can improve through internal evaluation results. The practices related to the identified areas for improvement are monitored, and activity and internal audit reports are prepared every year. These reports serve as indicators of the institution's self-improvement system and also guide the external evaluation of the institution. Our subunits have established quality management processes in line with our vision, mission, and goals, and also have various internal and external evaluation practices on a unit basis. The results of internal audits and other quality-related agenda items are discussed in the "Boards and Management Review Procedure" before external audits. Decisions are made, both reasoned and timed. External audits are carried out by independent auditors. The discrepancies identified by external auditors are brought up during the management review meeting. In this way, within the framework of continuous improvement efforts under the PDCA cycle, the institution's goals are achieved, new goals and roadmaps are determined, and implemented and monitored.
To improve the quality of service, our institution integrates various quality management and assurance approaches such as the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYÇ), the Bologna Process, and the EFQM Model within the scope of Total Quality Management in some units. Through these integrated approaches, our institution provides services to internal and external stakeholders. In line with this purpose, in-service training meetings and surveys are conducted. Leaders in the institution (Department Heads and Program Advisors), and academic and administrative staff implement practices determined in line with the institution's goals and objectives according to the strategic plan to ensure alignment. Internal meetings and satisfaction surveys are also conducted for academic and administrative staff. Additionally, an analysis of the Organizational Culture, which provides norms related to an individual's behaviour within the organization, is conducted.
Thus, in continuous improvement, the university's planning and management approach is supported by a "PDCA" cycle suitable for the academy. These principles are implemented within a cyclical process consisting of the following stages:
Higher Education Council (YÖK), University Administration (Rectorate, Senate, University and School Management Board, and Directorate), Civil Servants Law, Higher Education Law, Regulations for Associate, Bachelor's and Graduate Education, Institution and Unit Quality Coordination, Strategy Development Directorate, Institution and Unit Quality and Accreditation Commissions, Bologna Coordination, Accredited Units, and All Relevant Units
*In accordance with the YÖK Legislation and our University Quality Assurance Directive, Strategic Action Plans, Annual Performance Program, updating of Education Plans, course updates, domestic and international education protocol activities, Bologna Activities, proposals for new Departments and Programs, Norm Personnel, Personnel Needs Analysis and Stakeholder Surveys, academic calendar, planning of course and exam schedules in the required format, standards, and times along with corporate governance principles, determining appropriate roadmaps for our goals and quality assurance processes, and updating these plans when necessary, are undertaken by the School of Foreign Languages Directorate.
Institutional Management (Rectorate and Directorate) and All Units, Internal and External Stakeholders, Institution and Unit Quality and Accreditation Commissions and Coordinations, Department Heads, Program Advisors, Academic and Administrative Staff
In light of the above information, by Public Service Standards and Inventory and our University Quality Assurance Directive, Strategic Action Plans, Activity Reports, Internal Audit Reports, External Audit Reports, Satisfaction Surveys, Institutional Culture and SWOT Analysis, PDCA Cycle Practices, Annual Performance Criteria KIDR and Performance Program, and Other Stakeholder Surveys are implemented at the appropriate time according to the legislation and analyzed to ensure that the institution reaches its goals, and new goals are determined and all necessary actions are taken. This commitment is undertaken by the School of Foreign Languages Directorate.
Institutional Management (Rectorate and Directorate), Institutional Quality Coordination, Strategy Development Directorate, Internal Audit Unit Quality and Accreditation Commissions, Bologna Coordination, Department Heads, Program Advisors, Academic and Administrative Staff
In line with the above information, evaluations, assessments, and measurements of all practices are carried out by PDCA practices and legislation in our University Quality Assurance Directive, Strategic Action Plans, Activity Reports, Internal Audit Reports, External Audit Reports, Satisfaction Surveys, Institutional Culture and SWOT Analysis, Performance Criteria KIDR and Performance Program, and Other Stakeholder Surveys, and results are analyzed and improvement points and success areas are identified. These practices are coordinated by the School of Foreign Language Directorate.
Institutional Management (Rectorate and Directorate) and All Units, University and Unit Quality and Accreditation Commissions and Coordinations, Department Heads, Program Advisors, Academic and Administrative Staff
As mentioned in the previous section, in line with the identified points to be improved and the determined success areas, necessary improvements are planned and implemented with the coordination of the School of Foreign Languages Directorate and the relevant units, and improvement in institutional processes and activities is achieved.
Key Sources: YÖK (Council of Higher Education), Senate Resolutions, University and College Board Decisions, Higher Education Law, Regulations for Associate, Undergraduate, and Graduate Education, Student Affairs, Student Information System, Bologna Coordination, Quality Coordination
Analysis of the Education Process: Physical resources and technological infrastructure, analysis of academic and administrative staff satisfaction, student satisfaction, Alumni, External Stakeholder Analysis
SWOT Analysis in the Education Process: Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, PDCA
Evaluation Surveys related to the Process: Student, Academic and Administrative Staff, Course Evaluation, Alumni, External Stakeholder Surveys
Process Performance Program: Domestic and international educational protocol studies, Education and Examination Regulations, Student Affairs, Academicians, Academic Calendar, Course Plans and Programs, Exam Plans and Programs, Internship Regulations and Practices, Bologna Information Package, Alumni Relations Coordination
Performance Targets and Activities Related to the Process
Process Indicators and Responsible Units: All Academic Units, Foreign Language Coordination, College Coordination, Student Affairs, Personnel, IT, Library Documentation, Departmental Directorates, UZEM (Distance Education Center), SEM (Career Development Center)
Budget related to the Process: Strategy Development Department
Monitoring, Measurement, and Evaluation: Rector, Dean/Director, Department/Division Heads, Student Affairs, Internal Quality Auditors, Program Competencies, Academic Unit Activity Reports, Internal and External Stakeholder Survey Evaluations Reporting: Academic Activity Report
Areas for Improvement and Recommendations: Academic and Administrative Staff Orientation, Student Orientation, Changing Course or Curriculum, Changing Course Instructors, Changing Department Chair or Program Advisor, Changing Academic Advisor, Requesting New Academic Staff within Normative Staff Quotas and Needs, Proposing New Departments or Programs, In-Service Training, Academic Calendar, Course and Exam Schedule, Administrative Staff Rotation, Internship and Student Information System, Library Information System, Scholarship Requests, Support for Establishing an Accessible Inclusive University, Academic Development and Career Planning Support, Psychological Counseling and Guidance Services, Rector's Communication Center, 24/7 Remote Education Support Service, Health Support, Support for Events, Project Support Services, Library Support Services, Services provided for sports activities, etc.
Relevant Units: Institution Management (Rectorate and Directorate), General Secretariat, College Secretary, RIMAC (Rectorate Information Center), Academic Advisor, Department Chair, Department Head, Unit Student Affairs, Student Affairs Directorate, IT Directorate, Library and Documentation Directorate, Health, Culture and Sports Directorate, Psychological Counseling and Guidance Unit, Inclusive ÇOMÜ Unit, Student Life, Career and Alumni Relations Coordination, Student Scholarship and Housing Coordination, Quality Coordination in Institution and Unit, Project Coordination Center Coordination, ÇOBİLTUM, Çanakkale Technopark, Project Support Unit, SEM (Career Development Center), UZEM and Other Research Centers, Personnel Directorate, Strategy Development Directorate, Construction Works Directorate, Institution Internal Audit Unit, Unit Quality and Accreditation Commissions, Practice and Research Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry, Student Community Academic Advising Execution: University Board of Directors, Senate, Rectorate, College Directorate and Department Board and/or Academic Council Decisions
After necessary official applications are made by students, all research is conducted and actions are taken within the framework of student-oriented solutions in compliance with regulations. Additionally, activity and audit reports related to specific topics are presented, and evaluated, and after the audit, the processes of Taking Measures, Improvement, and Monitoring are carried out and implemented by regulations, committed by both our Rectorate and College Directorate.
Key Sources: Higher Education Law, Law No. 5746 on Support of Research and Development Activities, Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Development Plans, Research Strategies, Strategic Performance, YÖK (Council of Higher Education) priority areas, incentives, mission differentiation
Analysis of the Research and Development Process: Human resources, physical resources and technological infrastructure, analysis of academic staff and student satisfaction, External Stakeholder
Analysis In the Research and Development Process: SWOT Analysis, Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Evaluation
Surveys related to the Process: Student, Academic Staff, and External Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys
Process Performance Program: Scientific Research and Development Plans and Programs, Research Support Program (BAP), Technology Development Zone (TEKNOPARK), Technology Transfer Office (TTO), Project Coordination Center, Incentives for Master's and PhD Education
Activities and Performance Objectives related to the Process: Community Service, Scientific Projects, Student Career and Executive Development
Responsible Units for Process Indicators: All Academic Units, Institutes, Library Documentation, Directorate, BAP Coordination Unit
Budget related to the Process: Strategy Development Directorate
Monitoring, Measurement, and Evaluation: Rectorate, Directorate, TTO, TEKNOPARK, BAP, Project Coordination Center, Institutes, Health and Culture Directorate, Press and Public Relations
Reporting: Social Responsibility Project Reports, Scientific Research Project Reports, Scientific Publications, University-Industry Collaboration in Scientific Studies
Areas for Improvement and Recommendations
Implementation: University Board of Directors, Senate, and Health and Culture Directorate Decisions, TTO, TEKNOPARK, BAP, Project Coordination Center, Improvement of R&D Resources, University-Industry Collaboration, Research Strategies Coordination Board, Domestic and international strategic agreements
Key Resources: Constitution, Higher Education Quality Assurance Regulation
Analyses Related to the Social Contribution Process: Human resources, physical resources, and technological infrastructure analyses, along with External Stakeholder Analysis
Identification of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in the Social Contribution Process
Strategic Goals and Objectives of the Process Evaluation
Surveys Related to the Process: External Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys
Process Performance Program
Activities and Performance Objectives Related to the Process
Units Responsible for Performance Indicators of the Process: Health Culture Directorate, Press, Publication and Public Relations Directorate
Budget Related to the Process: Strategy Development Directorate
Monitoring, Measurement, and Evaluation: Rector, Health Culture Directorate, Press, Publication and Public Relations Directorate 6
Reporting: Social Responsibility Project Reports
Areas for Improvement and Recommendations
Implementation: University Board of Directors, Senate, Project Coordination Center, School Board of Directors, Directorates, Health Culture Directorate Decisions
Legislation Analysis: Constitution, Higher Education Law, Public Financial Management and Control Law, 10th and 11th Development Plans of the Republic of Turkey, Strategic Plan, Mission and vision, Performance program (activities), Internal Control Compliance Action Plan, Regulations, directives, and principles
PESTLE Analysis: Economic, Political, Social, Scientific and Technological, Legal, and Ecological factors
Internal Institutional Analysis: Evaluation of products and services related to activity areas, human resources, physical resources and technological infrastructure, financial resources, employee satisfaction, and institutional culture analysis
External Institutional Analysis: National and International Competitor Analysis, Student Satisfaction Analysis, Alumni Analysis, Patient Satisfaction Analysis, Supplier Satisfaction Analysis, Corporate External Stakeholder Analysis
SWOT Analysis: SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
Institutional Values: Mission, Vision, and Core Values
Strategies: Strategic Objectives and Goals
Evaluation Surveys: Student, Academic and Administrative Staff, Alumni, Patient, Supplier, External Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys
Performance Program: Top Management
Activities with Performance Goals: Implementation of Plans and Programs, Unit Activity Report, Administration Activity Report, Corporate Financial Status Expectations Report, Investment Evaluation Report, Monitoring and Evaluation Report of the Strategic Plan
Responsible Units for Performance Indicators: All Academic Units, Institutes, Foreign Language Coordination, Vocational School Coordination, BAP Coordination, Revolving Capital Operating Directorate, Research Application Hospital Chief Physician, Strategy Development, Student Affairs, Personnel, Information Technology, Health Culture, Library Documentation, Construction Works Technical Directorate, Continuous Education Center Directorate, Project Coordination Center
Costing: Strategy Development Directorate
Monitoring: Strategy Development Directorate
Measurement and Evaluation: Strategy Development Directorate, Internal Audit Unit Directorate
Reporting: Situation Analysis Report, Internal Institution Evaluation Report, Internal Control System Evaluation Report, Administrative Activity Report, Investment Program Monitoring and Evaluation Report, Corporate Financial Status and Expectations Report
Open Areas for Improvement: Recommendations, Internal Control, Risk Assessment, Top Management
Implementation: University Board of Directors and Senate Resolutions, Internal Audit Unit (Sharing monitoring findings with top management and the Ministry of Finance)